Congratualiton to Elena who was awarded the 2024 Shatkin scholarship!!
Elena gave a talk at the Queer and Allied Scientists at Rutgers (QUASAR) symposium, entitled: "A novel role of KCNB1 channel in the melanocortin system in physiological and pathological conditions".
Alessandro (first from left) won first prize for best oral presentation at the 2023 Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, with a talk entitled: "Ion channels in neurodevelopment: lessons from the Integrin-KCNB1 channel complex".
Congratulation to Chanmee who has been admitted to the Master program in Biotechnologies at UPenn.
The lab became a donor to the Jackson Laboratory (JAX). We donated the Kcnb1R312H Knock In (KI) mouse, also called the R312H KI mouse (JAX Stock No. 037835 C57BL/6J-Kcnb1em1Sesf/J and the Kcnb1 null mouse (JAX Stock No. 037848 C57BL/6J-Kcnb1em2Sesf/J that were first described in DOI: 10.1038/s41418-022-01072-2.
Dr. Sesti gave a talk to the 2nd Next Generation Kinase Inhibitors Summit (Boston) entitled "Novel Potential Applications of Kinase Activators and Inhibitors in Neurological Conditions".
Alessandro won a Brain Health Institute Travel Award to participate to the meeting of the SfN in Washington DC, where he presented a poster entitled "A novel model to study potassium ion channel related early-onset epileptic encephalopathies".
Dr. Sesti joined the Sigma Xi Honor Society as regular member
Alessandro presented a poster at the 7th Annual BHI Symposium entitled: "Role of a potassium ion channel mutant in neuronal development
Elena presented a poster at the 7th Annual BHI Symposium entitled: "Antagonistic roles of Ras-MAPK and Akt signaling in Integrin-K+ channel Complexes-mediated cellular apoptosis"
Elena was invited to give a talk at the International forum for Research Excellence (IfoRE) of the Sigma Xi society.
Chanmee, Adam and Elena presented two posters at the Ion Channel Modulation symposium, organized by Sophion Biosciences and NYU in New York City, 4-5 November 2022
Alessandro presented a poster at RuCares conference on Autism
Dr. Sesti has joined the Editorial board of Frontiers in Physiology as Associate Editor of the Invertebrate section.
Alessandro has been awarded a RBHS-SGS technology award.
Alessandro was awarded a NJ Governor's Council for Medical Research and Treatment of Autism fellowship entitled: "A Novel Murine Model to Study Potassium-Channel Related Autism Spectrum Disorders
Congratulations to Elena who has been admitted to the Graduate program in Neuroscience at Rutgers
Elena and Alessandro presented their posters at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego. Elena was a 2022 Trainee Professional Development Award (TPDA) recipient.

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Sen Menendez takes a tour of the lab
Dr. Sesti presented to Sen Menendez relevant results of the lab on Alzheimer's disease
Elena graduated in the master program of Biomedical Sciences with a thesis entitled: "Antagonistic role of Ras-MAPK and Akt signaling in IKC-mediated apoptosis".
from left: Wei, Federico, Elena, Alessandro, Parth and Ritik
Elena gave a talk at the The 6th Annual Virtual BHI Symposium entitled: "MAPK -mediated proapoptotic signaling by K+ channel integrin complexes".
Congratulations to Elena and Alessandro who have been awarded a Gordon J. and Ruth M. Macdonald Foundation award.
Alessandro gave a talk at the The 6th Annual Virtual BHI Symposium entitled: "Differences between the KCNB1 machinery complex and its KCNB1-R312H mutant found in epilepsy (Alessandro)"
Alessandro graduated (BSc) with a major in Biotechnology sciences discussing a thesis entitled "Response of two Caenorhabditis elegans mutant strains to different heat shock conditions". Alessandro was featured on:
Rahul visited the lab of Dr. Shi qing Cai an alumnus, in the Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shangai, 22 May 2017
Third from left, Shi qing and Rahul
Dr. Sesti gave an invited talk entitled "The Double-Edged Sword of KCNB1 Signaling" at a Workshop on KCNB1 and related potassium channels at Thomas Jefferson University.
Dr. Sesti has been appointed member of the RBHS Faculty Council, starting January 1st, 2020.
Congratulations to Derrick who has been admitted into Howard University College of Dentistry in Washington D.C.
Dr. Sesti gave a talk at the Herbert & Jaqueline Kreiger Klein symposium on Alzheimer's disease and Neurodegeneration entitled "Oxidation of Potassium Channels in Alzheimer's Disease"
The lab has been awarded a NSF grant entitled: "Role of KCNB1-Integrin Complexes in neurodevelopment"
The lab has been awarded a NIH R01 grant entitled "Oxidation of K+ channels mediates an amyloidogenic pathway common to Alzheimer's disease and TBI".
Dr. Sesti has joined the Editorial Board of Cell Death and Disease.
Elena presented a poster at the Keystone symposia
Elena presented her results at the annual Keystone symposia "Neuronal regulation of appetite" held in Banff, Canada 20-23 March 2022
The lab has become a depositer of Addgene one of the largest, non-profit repositories. This will allow scientists requesting our plasmids to obtain them for free from Addgene with quick turnaround times and excellent customer service support from PhD scientists.
Dr. Sesti has been appointed Rutgers University Senator representing RBHS research bureaus, centers, and institutes for a three-year term ending June 30, 2021.
Congratulations to Mike, Uma and Ge who were awarded an Aresty Research Center Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
The lab has become a depositer of the Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Centers (MMRRC) of the NIH. Our deposited strains of mice are maintained in a cryopreserved state and will be freely accessible to scientists and researchers.
The lab goes to Italy
Dr. Sesti has been appointed Visiting Professor at the Universita' del Piemonte Orientale (UPO) where he teaches a two-week course on aging and neurodegeneration.
Since May 2018 in Novara, Italy
A Fulbright in India
Dr. Sesti was awarded a Fulbright Academic and Professional Excellence award and spent five months (November 2014-April 2015) as visiting scientist in the National Center for Biological Sciences in Bangaluru (India)
The lab has been awarded a NSF "PFI-TT grant entitled: "Development of a C. elegans-based Technology to Enhance the Drug Discovery Process and to Predict Preclinical Efficiency".
The lab has been awarded a NSF I-corps grant entitled "A C. elegans model using human genes for high-throughput screening for cytoskeletal disturbances and for exploration of new drug indications".
Federico, Peter, Rahul and Joe at the kick off session in San Francisco, January 23-25 2017
Congratulations to Rahul who was awarded an Aresty Research Center Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
The lab has been awarded a NIH grant entitled "Oxidative modification of K+ channels as a mechanism of toxicity in TBI".
Congratulation to Rahul who received a SfN's 2016 Early Career Policy Ambassadors Program award
Rahul and Sindhu won first prize as best poster at Mount Sinai Undergraduate Research Symposium in Biological, Chemical, Structural, and Computational Sciences.
October 2016, New York city
The lab was featured in the RWJ magazine
the article can be found at: