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The laboratory studies the physiology, regulation, and biophysics of potassium (K+) channels. These multipronged proteins are at the crossroad of multiple cellular functions including excitablity, proliferation and growth, survival, and death.
Current projects focus on elucidating the role of K+ channels in neurodevelopment, metabolic disorders, epilepsy Alzheimer's disease, and traumatic brain injury. We are also assessing the potential therapeutic of second-generation Bcr-Abl and Src tyrosine kinase inhibitors and BACE1 inhibitors for the treatment of those pathologies.
Anika presented a poster entitled "KCNB1-Leptin receptor complexes couple electric and endocrine function in the melanocortin neurons of the hypothalamus." at the 10th symposium of the Rutegrs Brain Health institute.
Current and former lab members and close friends congratulate Alessandro on his well deserved accomplishments.
Whoa!! Alessandro graduated in Neuroscience defending his thesis entitled: “Investigating the synergy between conductivity and molecular signaling of the Integrin-KCNB1-complex."
Alessandro is ready for his new challenge. He has accepted a postdoctoral position in the Torres-Berrio lab at Harvard. Double congratulations Ale!!
Better and better. Arshleen won first prize for best poster at the AXON 5.0 undergraduate conference hosted by the Nu Rho Psi Neuroscience honor society
Arshleen and Prachi (two Aresty recipients), presenting their posters at the annual Aresty symposium.
Srinidi has developed a software using OpenCV (an open sourced computer vision library) for counting cells utilizing watershed segmentation algorithm. This software can be accessed via the 'SOFTWARE' tab of this website.
Elena was selected to attend the three-day "Describe Your Neurons Like the Allen Institute" being held from April 8 - 10 and the "Stanford Advanced Techniques in Neuroimaging" workshop.
Double congratulations!!
Elena presented a poster at the Rutgers-Central NJ Regional Brain Bee Competition. This part of an annual international competition for High School Students testing their knowledge in the field of Neuroscience. The Brain Bee is sponsored, in part, by the Society for Neuroscience .